Why Horses are Wonderful Natural Coaches

“Horses challenge us to undertake the journey of mastering ourselves rather than everything around us. They yearn for harmony, kindness, and tranquility; they crave freedom from anxiety, abuse and predation. With their non-violent attitude, horses are a testament that a partnership based on trust is far more productive than one that relies on dominance.” Dr. Allan J. Hamilton

When you work in partnership on the ground with a member of our herd as part of an experience guided by a professionally certified coach and facilitator, you learn very quickly why horses are wonderful natural coaches. Our horses offer sensitivity, perceptiveness and intuition without judgement in a safe environment for self-discovery and development.

The essence of the experience is the unique connection between horse and human. The magic horses bring to personal healing and self-awareness is their ability to understand and intuit our emotion. In a very gentle way, they can evoke a human response that is often unexpected, surprising and powerful. It is in that moment that the gate of possibility opens and the path to healing or self-awareness begins. It is this natural ability to read our energy and connect to our emotions that makes horses powerful teachers and natural coaches. (Note: no previous horse experience is required to enjoy the benefits of working with our herd).

This memorable experience can prompt lasting change, improved mental health and enhanced effectiveness. Here are a few reasons why:

  1. Horses are environmentally aware: Horses have evolved as prey animals and this means their senses are highly developed and they are very aware of their environment and the world around them. They teach us to be more aware of what we are experiencing in our environment — at home, at work, at school and in the community.
  2. Horses teach us the power of vulnerability: Horses don’t have the egos that humans often do. They never lie, they’re never wrong and they seek compassion and harmony with those around them. They teach us empathy and the strength of being vulnerable.
  3. Horses care about what’s in your heart — not in your head. When you step into a relationship with a horse — you do so from a heart space.
    1. The Heart Math Institute has conducted ongoing research into the energy emanating from and being created by the human heart.
    2. The electromagnetic fields of the heart are many times bigger than those coming from our brain.
    3. This constantly changing energy is flowing from our bodies and being received by those around us (both humans and animals).
    4. The heart also has neurons to process and store information — an important link to the information highway travelling through our bodies.
    5. Through their research, The Heart Math Institute has found that the electromagnetic field of a horse is five times stronger than a human’s and the heart rate is three times slower.
    6. As humans, if we attain that place of heart resonance with a horse, our bodies can go into an alpha state similar to meditation.
  4. Horses are natural mirrors — reflecting back to us what we are consciously or unconsciously projecting in terms of emotions, personality, attitudes and intentions. The mirroring that takes place between humans and horses is reflected in non-verbal communication. By reading and responding naturally to our non-verbal communication – they help us shift our attention to what is important and may pick up our hidden emotions and bring them to the surface.
  5. Horses teach us to be mindful — mind, body and soul. Horses live in the moment, moment to moment. Mindfulness is about paying attention in the present moment with a wide view of focus yet fully open to the details. Horses invite us to step into this state of mindfulness which can help us develop deeper awareness, enhanced perspective, and richer creativity. In order to engage and connect with horses, we must be fully present, mindful and congruent. Each person and each horse experiences the other uniquely on their own — that’s why an experience at The Mane Intent is tailored and unique for each participate or group of participants.

If you want to experience the benefits of working with horses as natural coaches, book your private or group session by contacting Jennifer Garland at jgarland@themaneintent.ca or calling 1-705-295-6618.

Jennifer Garland with Raven, one of the natural #coaches @The Mane Intent

About the Author: Jennifer Garland is the Owner/Program Director of The Mane Intent, offering Health and Wellness Workshops and Individual and Team Effectiveness Coaching. She has over 25 years of leadership experience in communications, cause-related marketing and change management. As a strategist, facilitator and effectiveness coach, Jennifer has provided counsel and support to senior leaders from all walks of life to build productive relationships, facilitate learning and to embrace change.

The Mane Intent

December 7, 2016

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