Keep Calm and COVID On

It’s a challenging year for us all, including those of us at The Mane Intent. Living with and trying to keep our small social enterprise viable during a pandemic makes for an interesting experience. My new word for 2020 is acceptance and we’ve all been working on accepting this year’s unfolding and releasing expectations of what could have been. We’ve also been working to ensure that our family and yours stay safe when you visit the farm.

With the implementation into Stage 3 of the Framework for reopening of Ontario – we’ve recently reopened our doors for individual and small group bookings. We are also operating according to local Peterborough public health protocol and health and safety guidelines.

Here’s what you need to know when you book your experience at the farm.  All visitors are required to:

  • Complete and sign a COVID self-assessment and release form including contact information for contact management if required in response to the following questions:
    • Have you travelled outside Canada in the last 14 days? Y  N
    • Have you been in contact with anyone who has travelled outside of Canada in the last 14 days? Y N
    • Yes or No — Do you have any of the following symptoms: fever, new onset of cough, difficulty breather or any two of the following symptoms: Chills, fatigue, headache, sore throat, runny nose, stuffy or congested nose, loss of taste or smell, hoarse voice, difficulty swallowing, digestive issues (nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain
  • Wear a face covering or mask – we have extras if you don’t have one.
  • Wash hands with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer upon arrival (and we have a great supply of hand sanitizer).
  • Use hand sanitizer or wash hands when entering or existing buildings and working directly with the horses.
  • Practice physical distancing (stay two meters or six feet apart).

As well:

  • All frequently touched surfaces at the farm are cleaned and sanitized between uses (including the portable toilet that is now on property for guest use).
  • Indoor and outdoor gatherings and group sizes are guided by provincial regulations.
  • Catered food is served in single portions. Lunch is served outside at this time and individuals from different households/circles are encouraged to sit at different tables to ensure physical distancing measures can be followed.

The health and safety of our guests, family and herd are our priority – and we will continue to operate consistent with government and public health protocols during the pandemic.

About the Author

Jennifer Garland is the founder of The Mane Intent Inc. offering equine-assisted learning programs including Health and Wellness Workshops, Individual and Team Effectiveness Coaching and Leadership Development. Jennifer provides coaching, counsel and support to individuals and groups  from all walks of life to create opportunities to build productive relationships, facilitate learning and to embrace change.  Learn more about Jennifer’s professional experience, lectures, awards and publications here.

For more information or to book a private virtual session with Jennifer, please call 705-295-6618 or email

The Mane Intent

September 24, 2020

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