Introducing a Unique Leadership Program for Girls and Teens

As the film Miss Representation puts it, popular culture is sending a message that “a women’s value and power lie in her youth, beauty and sexuality, and not in her capacity as a leader.” The Mane Intent is pleased to announce the introduction of a unique leadership program for young women (ages 8 – 15) called Living and Leading with Intent.

“These sessions support young women in developing healthy self-esteem, relationships with their peers, and the ability to communicate authentically. Participants are encouraged to live life fully with intent, exploring what’s possible with their choices, voices and actions at home, in school and within the community,” explains Jennifer Garland, Owner/Program Director, The Mane Intent.

Participants will learn important skills such as:

  • Asserting healthy boundaries
  • Managing choices, obstacles, challenges and distractions
  • Developing positive body image, self-confidence and personal awareness
  • Developing communication and leadership skills
  • Making empowered choices
  • Believing in their potential to achieve what’s possible

All of the exercises with the horses are done on the ground. No previous horse experience is necessary. Expressive  arts will also be used to encourage creativity and self-expression. Two separate evening sessions are being introduced in April – one for 8 – 12 year olds and one for 13 – 15 year olds. Go to (URL) for more details or contact to register.

The Mane Intent

January 14, 2015

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