by The Mane Intent | Apr 20, 2020 | Muse from The Round Pen
The past few weeks have literally been a blur. Like the crocus, I feel like I am just now emerging from a dark space. I’m hungry for some light, ready to stretch up again, and even craving a little soul food. One of my annual rituals is to indulge in My Word Goddess...
by The Mane Intent | Mar 11, 2020 | Muse from The Round Pen
Some days I need a ray of sunshine. Today Daniel Lewis was just that for the Peterborough business community as the keynote speaker for The Future Ready: Business Summit 2020 brought to #PTBO thanks to collaboration between the Peterborough Chamber of Commerce,...
by The Mane Intent | Jan 9, 2020 | Muse from The Round Pen
“Happy Thursday,” he said. I replied, still in bed: “Happy birthday? It’s not my birthday.” “Happy THURSDAY,” he said again with greater emphasis. “I’d sign it, but it’s too dark,” he said as he headed out the door. This week I learned that my first big purchase of...
by The Mane Intent | Dec 15, 2019 | Muse from The Round Pen
Working with the Body and Boundaries in Somatic Experiencing®: A Polyvagal Perspective with Sarah Scholote, MA, RP, CCC, SEP is a two-day workshop (Feb 4 & 5, 2020) hosted in partnership by The Mane Intent, Kawartha Sexual Assault Centre and Trent University....
by The Mane Intent | Dec 10, 2019 | Muse from The Round Pen
Cait Lynch serves up yin yoga — country style. What a treat it is. Earlier this year, I participated in a yin yoga class hosted by Cait in her beautiful century barn near Warkworth in Northumberland Hills. Entering into this sacred space on a very hot day, I was...