Mel gave me love and accepted me and all my faults. She gave me hope that everything will be ok.” Participant, Equine Support for Post-Traumatic Growth
Mel is a Paint mare whose registered name is Mystical Finale. Her markings would suggest she is Medicine Hat Paint. The myth and mystery of the Medicine Hat Paint goes back many years. But it is known as a spirit animal with special powers, and is very rare. Like many Medicine Hat Paints, Mel has a pink muzzle and two blue eyes, making her especially prized.
The mythology of the Medicine Hat Paint horse is steeped in First Nations tradition and legend. A Medicine Hat horse is believed to have a magical ability to protect its rider from injury and death. Their mainly white coats were often decorated with other magical symbols, believed to increase the horse’s power.
Prior to her arrival, Mel spent most of her life as a brood mare, producing beautiful foals who carried her unique markings. With this history, Mel lets us know that one of the most important gifts in life is nurturance. She values small loving and caring gestures. As a mother, she knows that to give nurturance to another is one of the highest callings we can be asked to share.
Today, Mel serves as the herd mystic. She has a soft, mellow demeanour that invites you in to experience the magic of her quiet presence. She encourages us to remain in each present moment; to explore the unknown and the mystery of life.
From a place of peace and like a guardian angel, without expectation, Mel encourages us to face our fears and the unknown. She lets us know that our past doesn’t have to define our future. As your personal guide, she will direct you and keep you safe, allowing you to pass from fear and uncertainty to trust and love.